Take a peak inside the nation's fridges and find out what this means for brands...

  • We've utilised AI to dig around in the nation's fridges so you don't have to.
  • Revealing home truths to help brands truly understand and connect with their consumers.
  • Find out what has changed in people's fridges over the last 12 months.

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Clients we've worked with


Humanise is a customer centric insight and innovation agency. It’s purpose is to ‘think like a customer’ - bringing customers views, behaviours and decision-making to the forefront -and make sense of them. They own and operate our own organic UK community called The Family Panel and utilised this for this report.

Tellet is a platform that uses AI to conduct and analyse customer research interviews. With Tellet you can interview hundreds of people at once, in almost any language, making the qualitative research process faster and more affordable. Tellet makes interviews effortless and is trusted by partners like VodafoneZiggo, Kantar and, of course, Humanise.